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Can You Talk Your Way Out of Hell?

Can You Talk Your Way Out of Hell?

Can You Talk Your Way Out of Hell?

Posted: 07 Dec 2010 02:34 PM PST

Title: The Price
Author: Leon Newton
ISBN: 978-1-936076-40-6
Genre: Christian Play
Pages: 60
Reviewed By: Brian Knight
Official Premium Promotional Services Rating:

Was there a mistake or do you belong in hell?

I lived by my own rules, did things my way but I was a good person. So why am I in hell? This is the millionaire's question. He died before finding salvation in our Lord and Savior. Now, in hell, he confronts the devil and attempts to talk his way out. As part of his punishment the devil shows him that no mistake was made and he is where he should be. His confusion and questions are similar to many in real life.

The arrogance of the millionaire is amusing to the devil; as are the sins and confessions of the others with him. Arrogance, greed, disbelief and not repenting are all on display in this one act play that vividly depicts the consequences of those actions. Do you see any of these when you look in the mirror?

From the first word, Leon Newton's passion for the Lord and his drive to honor Him takes center stage. Instantly, you are in the audience watching the finality of the millionaire take shape. With each passing page, it is virtually impossible not to reflect on your own spiritual condition. You will find yourself wanting to make changes in your life.

"The Price" is a beautifully crafted play. The prose are light and quick but deliver a powerful message of love, salvation and consequence. The stark contrast between the setting and the banter among the characters delivers an unexpected impact.

I enjoyed reading "The Price." I recommend this play to ministries, churches, Christian groups, and individuals in need of a wake-up call. "The Price" proves that plays have a place in the publishing world.

Author Leon Newton's play displays a wit, charisma and passion very similar to plays written in the past. To learn more about this play-write and author please stop by his site HERE.

You can also purchase 'The Price' for your Kindle HERE.

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